Monday, April 30, 2012

Where Did The Monogrammed Monkey Go?

 My 2-year-old always asks where stuff is. If he's missing his sippy cup, he'll say "Where did milk go?" and on and on. So, I wanted to answer the question of "Where did Monkey Go?".

I've been blessed with the business I've had this spring. I'm covered up in orders and all that goes with them....creating, taking photos, packing, shipping, emailing. All of which is awesome, but leaves little time for blogging! Especially since first and foremost I'm a stay-at-home mom of 2 little boys. So, I'm going to do my best to update the blog more frequently, but if you're missing your Monogrammed Monkey fix, come over to our Facebook page or check us out on Etsy, Pinterest, or Twitter.