Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Bunch Of Yuck!

Well, I've had my hands full around here lately, and it has nothing to do with monogramming! Last Monday I pulled a muscle in my back loading the dishwasher. It started hurting almost immediately and I knew that it would get worse if I didn't rest it ASAP. So, I headed to bed. Then on Tuesday night, I ended up with a sinus infection while still in bed. Luckily, the grandparents jumped in to help with the monkey so he wasn't running wild while I was recuperating! I was finally better on Saturday, but that was short-lived, because Saturday night, my husband got sick with a virus going around. I was sick by Sunday afternoon, and now the little one is sick, too. We're all lounging around the house being pitiful and really not having fun at all! Hopefully, we'll all get better soon and be back to the fun of monogramming!