Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Busy, Busy!

I don't know about you, but it seems that August flew by and September is doing so, too! Even though baby H doesn't go to school, it seems like since school started, time is whizzing by! I can't believe it's going to be October soon, but that means fall and all the cute stuff that goes with it!

Labor Day weekend was a fun one with family in town. Friday morning I spent quite a bit of time setting up designs for customers in Sew What Pro, as well as things for H (more on that tomorrow!). We have only been using this software for a little while, but it is such a faster way to get things done!

Church classes start tonight for us, so the whole family will be there....I'm even teaching 1st and 2nd Graders! H always has fun playing with his little buddies in the nursery, and it's rare that someone doesn't comment on one of his monogrammed outfits.

Our monogramming machine is actually in the shop right now being serviced, but we're hoping to get it back today or tomorrow. Wish us luck....we have lots of sewing to do!