I have a secret. I've always had a thing for pirates. Not the serious-African coast-thug-gangster kind, but the really-cute-Captain-Hook kind. Maybe it started when I was a kid and loved Peter Pan. Or maybe it was Orlando Bloom in Pirates of the Caribbean (wink). Anyway, now that I have a little boy, I just love all things pirate! Our little monkey even has a pirate map hanging on his playroom wall and his own pirate's chest. So with all these adorable pirate appliques, I'm like a kid in a candy store. Here are a few of my current faves...
Pirate alphabet comes in every letter AND number. Soooo cute for a pirate birthday!

X marks the spot to the cutest appliques!

love this island design....it can also be made without the X and dotted line

Another treasure map to guide you to cuteness!